The red velvet ant, also known as the "cow killer" due to its notoriously painful sting, is a fascinating creature that combines striking appearance with intriguing behavior. Despite its name, this insect is not an ant at all but a
Tawny Crazy Ants, A Tiny Pest with a Big Impact In Jasper Georgia
Tawny crazy ants are a small but mighty invasive species that has wreaked havoc in various parts of the world. Native to South America, these ants have spread to numerous regions, including Australia, the United States, and the Caribbean, causing
Smoky Brown Cockroach Resides in North Georgia and Jasper
Welcome to another episode of the faith pest control Podcast. I’m Mike Stewart, and I’m here today with pest expert Fred Talon, who’s going to talk about the smokey brown roach. The smokey brown Roach is crawling all over Jasper,
Jasper Georgia, Have You Heard of Sculpted Resin Bee
Hello, everyone, it’s Mike Stewart on the host of the Faith Pest Control podcast here with pest expert, Fred Tally. And today we’re building new some new information for if you’re living in the Jasper area, Blairsville, Blue Ridge, Big
Oh No!!! Not Clover Mites! In Jasper?
Hello, everyone, it’s time again for the faith pest podcast with pest expert Fred Talley here on the line and we are the community service, informational podcast blog for you to know more about pests and insects and bugs
The Mosquitoes Are Coming To Jasper and North Georgia Again for 2022!
Welcome to the faith pest control podcast. My name is Mike Stewart. I’m your host and I’m here today with pest expert Fred Talley. And more importantly, what I want you to know about is if you live in Jasper,
Flies are A-Buzzing In Jasper Georgia
Hello again, and welcome to the Faith Pest Control podcast. My name is Mike Stewart, I’m your host, and I’m here today with our guest, Fred Talley will not guest, he’s the pest expert. And this is a done as
North Georgia Jasper Pantry Have Pests! What To Do
Michael Stewart Hello again, it’s the Faith Pest Control Podcast. I’m Mike Stewart, and we’re here today to talk about those bugs in your pantry. You know if you live in Jasper, Georgia, if you live in Blue Ridge, Georgia,
Trelona Bait Stations For Termite Control in Jasper & North Georgia
Hello again, it’s a faith pest control podcast. I’m your host, Mike Stewart, we are the Public Service pest podcast for all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Ellijay, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia, and pretty much anywhere in the north
Millipedes are NOT Insects, But They Bug Jasper Georgia Residents
Welcome again everybody to the faith Pest Control podcast. I’m Mike Stewart, your host with the pest expert Fred Talley here in North Georgia. You have a home in Jasper you have a home and Ellijay you live in Blue