Michael Stewart
Hello again, it’s the Faith Pest Control Podcast. I’m Mike Stewart, and we’re here today to talk about those bugs in your pantry. You know if you live in Jasper, Georgia, if you live in Blue Ridge, Georgia, if you live in big canoe anywhere in the north Georgia mountains, I’ll bet you have a pantry. And I’ll bet you’ve sometimes have every once in a while you go in there and there’s some sort of pest in your pantry. I remember one time I was pouring out a bowl of cereal and a bunch of little crawly bugs were in my cereals. And I’ll tell you what didn’t make me happy. So we’ve got pest expert Fred Talley here to talk about something that that you know, probably not pleasant to talk about, but you know, you need to be aware of it and you need to know what to do. What do you do when there’s bugs in the pantry for it. There’s only one thing to do, you’ve got to find the source. A stored product pass for what we more commonly referred to in our industry’s pantry past are basically pests of food products and certain other stored products and they can be extremely numerous. The stored food insects have a probably bigger concern to homeowners exist under very specific conditions there. They’re usually found living in products such as dried fruit, spices, flower brands, Bran, peas, other dried vegetables, dried flowers, grain, milled cereal products, dog food, nuts, candy, pasta cheese, in items like that. They stored food password can contaminate and therefore eliminate from human consumption far more food than they then they what they will actually eat. They are most important as pests of stored grains, like damage actually more than 10% of the world’s grain production. Stored product pests are very important in the household and in retail stores. Disease. pantry pest two can find their way into package cereal, spices and other foodstuffs. Many stored food insects feed generally on all types of dried vegetables and animal matter. Certain stored product pests originate in crops that are still growing in the field. So even after processing the food stuff and getting it to a retail center to sell it or even a wholesale center. The insect is already inside inside the food source. Stored product pests can and may fly into buildings from the outside that can come from secluded areas inside or migrate into non infested items from infested sources such as food, refuse that clicks and cracks and crevices. Most pests of stored products are of a tropical or subtropical origin, and as a result they live and reproduce best under warm conditions with with only a few exceptions. They cannot live for low for low, they cannot live for long. At low temperatures. In the end they don’t it’s not common for them to hibernate. Very few stored product pests live in breed at temperatures above 95 and most do not lay eggs at temperatures below around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Insects basically have stored product pests can be separated into four kinds of groups, internal feeders, external feeders scavengers and then secondary past the source of a stored product pest infestation in a home is normally confined obviously to their areas where foods are stored such as in the pantry in you know in the kitchen. The entire infestation can and may be isolated within a single cabinet or a single box material. Before any type of control really can be attempted and I’m talking about chemical control.

The source of the infestation must be found in little Andy laminated. It is very common, extremely common for a housewife to tell me they’ve gone through every possible source of infestation their kitchen or pantry only to still have Have a stored product plus pest problem. Inevitably I will go to their house start going through their food stores, and I will discover the source of the problem. Oftentimes, the evidence found is very subtle. You don’t always see the insect, you might see a hole in a piece of corn that would indicate that’s where a stored product pests had been. You might see a piece of webbing in a bag of candy for they have been in there that it is very subtle, and it’s very tedious to go through everything in the pantry. In you know, for some people, it might not be a big deal, but for the others it’s a huge deal and they have to start throwing out stuff out of their pantry because it’s infested with this the homeowners unit you need to look very carefully into all the cracks and crevices where dried food debris can be accumulating inside container such things as cereals, beans, peas, flour, dried foods, fruits, spices, and any other material in which insects may live and complete their lifecycle. Do not overlook the possibility that a box of cereal that you’ve just brought home from the grocery store, maybe infested, because most of the time that is you bring the infestation home from the grocery store. They also need to check under cabinets and open or accessible wall voids for spillage of products that can suffice as food sources for these for these pantry pests. pet foods and birdseed can be a source of the infestation, but they’re generally not located in the kitchen. That doesn’t mean they can’t infest products that are in the pantry. But they’re generally located in the garage, we keep our bird seat and pet food in the garage. And if we get a stored product pests in there, which generally comes from the grocery store as well, or wherever you’re buying your pet food and bird seed shot, you know, I don’t, I don’t care, it’s not going to hurt the dogs, it’s not going to hurt the birds they’ll pick around. So, you know if it happens, it happens it’s really just not a major deal to us. If if that occurs, just the point being that it can happen in other places in the house. That you know, it doesn’t have to be just in the kitchen, it can be other places because product stored products are, are in other places. Here. Here at faith, we do offer a free consultation. If you feel like you have a pantry pest problem. You hire us and stand up 30 days to fix it. If you’re not 100% happy with what we’ve done, we will come back and retreat your home for free. And we’ll keep we’ll continue to treat it for free. Till until you tell us that you are happy. That still doesn’t make you happy. We’ll give you back every penny you spent on the original treatment. Plus, we’ll pay you an additional $25 Just for fooling with us for your time in trouble. Bottom line is I want you to be happy with the service we provide or you will owe us a penny period. Do you feel like what I’ve said makes sense to you please call faith pest control today 7708239 to 02 and asked to speak to me, Fred Tally. I’ll be more than happy to speak with you and answer any questions you have.

Well, Fred, thank you for all this great information. We appreciate all over the Jasper, Georgia area and north Georgia mountains that you do this service. We all have pantries and we don’t want to put up with any kind of pests in our pantries. So thank you for this great information. You can subscribe to this podcast we you know we say subscribe to us, share us and like us. Leave a comment. Share us with your friends. We do this like I said to help out keep help the folks in north Georgia have pest free homes. And we will see you next time on the faith pest control podcast.

North Georgia Jasper Pantry Have Pests! What To Do
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