Termites in Jasper, Georgia and surrounding areas are similar to most other areas in the southern United States. They can remain undetected for long periods of time. This allows them to do serious damage without being discovered. Being a natural
Termite Swarm or Flying Ants?

Termites in Jasper, Georgia and surrounding areas are similar to most other areas in the southern United States. They can remain undetected for long periods of time. This allows them to do serious damage without being discovered. Termite swarms are
Termite Swarm Season

Termites in Jasper, Georgia and surrounding areas are similar to most other areas in the southern United States. They can remain undetected for long periods of time. This allows them to do serious damage without being discovered. Termite swarms are
Treating For Termites In Wall Voids
Don’t Bugs Die Off In The Winter – Termite and Pest Control, Jasper, Georgia
If you have a problem with any pest…or simply a question…call Faith Pest Control at 770-823-9202 and ask to speak with me, Fred Talley. I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime! PS. Pest consultation is FREE. Estimates
Jasper, Georgia Termite and Pest Control – Termites and Firewood
Jasper, Georgia Termite and Pest Control – Termites and Firewood Termites are a natural component of the soil’s ecosystem. Termites occur in nearly every region of the United States. In the Southeast, termites will likely have an established colony in most
How to recognize termites in your home
How to recognize termites in your home By Fred Talley, Faith Pest Control Termites in homes here in Jasper, Georgia and surrounding areas are similar to most other areas in the southern United States. They can remain undetected for
Jasper Georgia Pest Control – The Dangers of Fire Ants
Pest Control in Jasper Georgia, especially dealing with Fire Ants can be very dangerous. The Imported Fire Ant typically nests in the soil and has the characteristic conical shaped earthen mound protruding above ground. Imported Fire Ant nests can be
Jasper, Georgia Termite and Pest Control -How to keep rats and mice out of your home
Controlling rats and mice in Jasper, Georgia is a year-round job. These rodents never stop trying to enter your home. And, if the do get in, they can do serious damage. They can also spread serious…sometimes fatal…diseases. Roof rats and house mice are referred to
Jasper Georgia Pest Control – Dangers of cockroaches in your home
Termite and Pest Control in Jasper, Georgia is a year-round job as are German Cockroaches. German Cockroaches are not an outside bug. They are typically brought into your home from the grocery store or the drug store. German Cockroaches are generally