While you are preparing to head out for your summer vacation, Faith Pest Control would like to caution you to be vigilant in protecting your home and family from bed bugs. Bed bugs can be found anywhere and can wreak havoc if you bring them home with you after traveling. The best way to avoid an infestation at home is to avoid picking any hitchhikers up with you while you enjoy your time away.
While traveling, you can find bed bugs anywhere – summer camp, a bed & breakfast, or a five-star resort. To prevent bringing them home with you, you can take the following steps:
- Inspect your entire room before unpacking your bags. Your inspection should include a look behind the headboard, under all lights, and inside any drawers, sofas, or chairs.
- Pull back the sheets on your bed and inspect the mattress seams, especially at the corners, for telltale signs or spots. If you see anything that you suspect to be bed bug activity, change rooms or establishments immediately.
- Pack a small flashlight to make your visual inspection easier.
- Vacuum and thoroughly inspect suitcases and personal items, such as purses or stuffed animals, after returning from a vacation. Do not bring your suitcase inside your home until you have had a chance to inspect it.
If you think you may have brought bed bugs home with you, contact your pest management professional immediately for assistance in addressing the potential infestation. Bed bugs are not DIY pests.
If you think you have a problem with bed bugs . . . or another pest. . . or simply have a question. . . call Faith Pest Control at 770-823-9202. We’ll be happy to speak with you any time.
Here’s to helping YOU live PEST FREE,
P.S. And be sure to ask about our FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis of your home or office!