Welcome again to the Faith Pest Control podcast. Hi, I’m Mike Stewart, your host and we’re here today with pest expert Fred Talley of Faith Pest Control, Faith Pest Control services all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia Ellijay, Georgia and pretty much anywhere in the North Georgia mountains. If you have a pest problem, Fred Talley is the man to take care of those problems. And now here’s Fred Talley.

So today I’d like to talk to you about the misconceptions of termite letters. I did record a podcast on termite letters about three years ago. But this episode speaks of a couple of the misconceptions is associated with the termite letter. And I think it’s worthy of sharing. So this past week, we had a customer call and our office, our admin was taking a personal day off. And so I just happen to be the one that feels the call, the customer was calling to schedule their annual termite renewal inspection. And for those that do not know an annual termite renewal inspection is generally an inspection of the property to detect the presence of any active subterranean termites is normally a requirement of the pest control company that the perform the treatment in order to maintain the their guarantee the customers guarantee. The next the customers next comment those what really prompted the subject of the podcast comment was they wanted to make sure that they made that maintain their termite letter for good, and for those that don’t know in the state of Georgia in the home buying selling financing world, there is a document that some lenders demand or that prospective purchasers will request. It’s generically called termite letter. Some people in the pest control industry in some in the real estate industry use this term to refer to what is officially in the state of Georgia known as the official Georgia wood infestation inspection report. And this is a written instrument this report is a written instrument that’s created by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Quoted directly from the rules of the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission. The official Georgia wood infestation inspection report shall be the written instrument for the purpose of certifying that a structure is apparently free from wood destroying organisms as a basis for transfer of real property, and shall be issued only by pest control operators certified in wood destroying organisms. Such an instrument shall carry a guarantee that if an infestation wood destroying organisms from which apparent freedom is certified is found, within 90 days from the date of issuance, the investor structure shall be treated by the licensee free of charge, subject to the following I didn’t go into the subject to the following, it’s inconsequential due to what we’re going to talk about. There are some exceptions listed within rules and regulations. But as a general rule, those of us in the industry assume that have an active infestation is found. We’re providing a free treatment. What I wanted to convey in that is that the official would infestation inspection report is an instrument for the transfer of real property. Also, it has a finite life, the life of it is only 90 days. To this official Georgia wood infestation report Report lists five organisms rest recognized by the state of Georgia is wood destroying organisms, only one of which are subterranean termites, the five are subterranean termites, powderpost beetles, wood boring beetles, dry wood, termites, and one decaying fungus. Granted some subterranean termites are by far the most traded wood destroying organism by most pest control companies in this state. But still there only one of five organisms listed on this letter. I said all of that, to convey the message that the annual termite renewal inspection has absolutely nothing to do with the Georgia wood infestation inspection report. Another subject that’s often misunderstood by homeowners is that they they may have a subterranean termite guarantee or any other wood destroying organism guarantee for that matter. With a company that is treated the property has a valid guarantee on the on the property. The company is under no obligation whatsoever to offer to issue this official Georgia would in in section report, official Georgia would infestation inspection report. All of that is to say the annual termite renewal inspection and the in fish the official Georgia wood infestation inspection report or art are totally independent of each other issuance of the Georgia wood infestation inspection report Work is solely up to the discretion of the pest control company. The Georgia Department of Agriculture is typically not going to force the company to issue that inspection report. We offer a free money back, make you happy guarantee, if you hire faith pest control, get rid of your bug problem. At the end of 30 days, you’re not 100% Happy, we’ll come back and retreat your home for free. And we’ll keep on trading it for free until you tell us that you are happy. That still doesn’t make you happy. We’ll give you back every penny you spent on the original treatment. Plus, we’ll pay you an additional $25 for your time in trouble just for fooling with us. Bottom line is this. You will be happy with the service we provide or you won’t pay us a penny period. If you feel like what I’ve said and makes sense. Please call faith pest control today is 770-823-9202 and ask to speak to me Fred Talley. I’ll be more than happy to speak with you and answer any questions that you may have.


Well, Fred, that’s great information. Hey, if you’re in the north Georgia mountains in Jasper, Blue Ridge, Ellijay, Georgia, or anywhere in the north Georgia mountains and you have problems with bugs, just listen to this podcast over and over again and share it with your friends, so you’ll know what to do. And then of course, if you’re like me, and you just don’t want to deal with it, call Fred. Fred will take care of you and make sure you get the problem solved. We do this podcast as a community service for all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia, Ellijay, Georgia, and anywhere in the north Georgia mountains. You can get this podcast from our website, or you can get it from any of the fun podcast services like Apple, Google podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon. Even if you just ask your Alexa Hey, play the faith pest control podcast latest episode, it will start playing and you can listen right there on your speaker devices. So until next time, this is Mike Stewart for the Faith Pest Control podcast.

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Termite Letter Misconceptions Here in Jasper Georgia
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