Rice weevils are small, yet significant pests that pose a threat to stored grains, particularly rice, but also affecting other cereals like wheat, corn, and barley. Understanding their biology, behavior, and effective control measures is crucial for protecting food supplies
Jasper, Argentine Ants Are Not Just In Argentina!
Argentine ants are among the most fascinating and pervasive invasive species in the world. Native to the Paraná River basin in South America, these tiny creatures have successfully established themselves in every continent except Antarctica, thriving in urban, agricultural, and
Acrobat Ants Are a Real Thing In Jasper Georgia
Acrobat ants are a fascinating group of ants found worldwide. Known for their agility and unique body shape, these ants derive their common name from their remarkable ability to raise their abdomen over their thorax and head, often resembling a
Jasper Georgia, Just What Are Mayfies?
Sometimes referred to as the fleeting beauties of freshwater ecosystems, mayflies are among the most ancient and intriguing insects in the world, known for their short-lived adult lives and critical roles in freshwater ecosystems, mayflies are celebrated for their graceful
Jasper Georgia, What Are Psocids?
Psocids, commonly known as booklice or barklice, are small, soft-bodied insects that often go unnoticed due to their tiny size and inconspicuous habits. Despite their name, psocids are not true lice and are harmless to humans and pets. Psocids play
Jasper, Poria incrassata Can Eat Your House!
Poria incrassata, often referred to as the “house-eating fungus,” is a particularly destructive type of brown rot fungus. Known for its rapid growth and devastating impact on wooden structures, it poses a significant threat to homes and buildings. This fungus
Jasper Georgia has Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats are small, dark flies that often invade homes and greenhouses, particularly those with houseplants. They’re attracted to the moist conditions that are ideal for plant growth, but unfortunately, these same conditions are perfect for their breeding. The life
Jasper Ga, Heard of Phorid Flies, The Not-So-Charming Scuttle Flies
Phorid Flies are often referred to as scuttle flies or humpback flies. They are a very small and often overlooked insect that can quickly become a nuisance in homes, restaurants and other areas where food is handled and prepared. These
Filth Flies Buzzing in Jasper Georgia
Filth flies, as the name suggests, are insects that thrive in unsanitary conditions. These pesky creatures pose a significant health risk due to their ability to transmit various diseases. Filth flies encompass a broad category of flies that includes common
Ivory-Marked Beetle, A Master of Disguise in Jasper Georgia
I chose this topic today because a customer of mine in Woodstock recently sent me a message telling me that he was having some plumbing repairs done and one of these beetles just showed up in his bath tub. He