I chose this topic today because a customer of mine in Woodstock recently sent me a
message telling me that he was having some plumbing repairs done and one of these
beetles just showed up in his bath tub. He has hardwood floors and he didn’t really
know if these beetles were re-infesting and if he needed to have some kind of
preventive treatment or not.
The ivory-marked beetle is a European species that prefers to inhabit deciduous forests,
particularly those with a mix of oak and beech trees. These particular trees provide the
ideal habitat for their larval development as they feed on the decaying wood.
The beetles rely on trees that are already in advanced stages of decay, providing a
suitable food source for their larvae.
They favor areas with ample sunlight, which helps to accelerate the decomposition
process and provides warmth for their development.
They need areas with low humidity as high humidity can lead to fungal growth, which
can harm both the beetles and their food source.
Overall, the ivory-marked beetle is well-adapted to live in mature, undisturbed forests
where there is a healthy supply of decaying trees.
These beetles are attracted to dead or decaying wood, so once the initial infestation is
dealt with and the infested wood is removed, there's generally no need for further
treatment. They won't lay eggs in healthy wood.
However, if there are other sources of dead or decaying wood nearby, such as firewood
or fallen trees, it's possible that new beetles could be attracted to the area. It's a good
idea to eliminate any potential breeding grounds to prevent future infestations.
The Ivory-Marked Beetle is a striking and fascinating insect found predominately
throughout Europe. With its long, slender body and distinctive white markings, it's a
sight to behold. However, this beetle's beauty is more than skin deep.
The ivory-marked beetle plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by feeding on dead wood.
As larvae, they tunnel into decaying trees, accelerating the process of decomposition.
This helps to return nutrients to the soil, promoting plant growth.
One of the most interesting aspects of the ivory-marked beetle is its ability to blend in
with its surroundings. Its coloration and markings often mimic the texture and patterns of
the tree bark it inhabits, providing excellent camouflage from predators. This adaptation
ensures its survival in a world full of threats.
Despite its impressive defenses, the ivory-marked beetle faces several challenges.
Habitat loss due to deforestation and urbanization is a major threat. Additionally, the

introduction of invasive species can disrupt the beetle's ecosystem and compete for
To protect the ivory-marked beetle and its habitat, conservationists are working to raise
awareness about its importance and promote sustainable forest management practices.
By preserving old, decaying trees, we can ensure that this unique and valuable insect
continues to thrive for generations to come.
At Faith Pest Control, we offer a free consultation and a 100% “Make You Happy”
“Money Back Guarantee”: If you hire Faith Pest Control to get rid of your bug problem
and, at the end of 30 days, you are not 100% Happy…..we’ll come back and retreat
your home for FREE…..and we’ll keep on treating it for FREE until you tell us that you
ARE Happy. If that still doesn’t make you happy we’ll give you back every penny you
spent on the original treatment…..PLUS…..we’ll pay you an additional $25.00 for your
time and trouble just for fooling with us. Bottom line is this: You will be happy with the
service we provide or you won’t pay a penny…..period. If you feel like what I’ve said
makes sense, call Faith Pest Control today at 770-823-9202 and ask to speak to me,
Fred Talley. I will be more than happy to speak with you and answer any questions you
may have.

Ivory-Marked Beetle, A Master of Disguise in Jasper Georgia
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