Welcome again to the Faith Pest Control podcast. Hi, I’m Mike Stewart, your host and we’re here today with pest expert Fred Talley of Faith Pest Control, Faith Pest Control services all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia Ellijay, Georgia and pretty much anywhere in the North Georgia mountains. If you have a pest problem, Fred Talley is the man to take care of those problems. And now here’s Fred Talley.

So, we recently received our May issue of the farmers and consumers market bulletin, which is a publication of the Georgia Department of Agriculture. And there’s an article excellent on the front page that I found quite intriguing. And that was the presently emerging cicadas. So I thought I’d talk to you guys about that today is as well as share what little bit of knowledge I’ve gained about cicadas since they’re not considered to be passed by the standards we operate under in the Structural Pest Control industry. So my knowledge of cicadas is actually pretty limited. Most of the information here not all of it, but most of it that I’m sharing with you is retrieved from the article in the Georgia farmers and consumers market bulletin by Jordan powers is as well as an article by Joyce Luciani, from Fox five Atlanta. So this year, periodical cicada brood, 13 and brood 19 will emerge in 17 states. An event that has actually not occurred since 1803, which was 221 years ago, and will reportedly not happening again for another 221 years. The state of Georgia will only see one brewed which is brewed 19 in that emergence will predominantly be in the west northwest area of the state. During the last emergence in 2011 brewed 19 cicadas were verified in 75 of George’s County, so almost half 47% So almost half the counties. So according to Nancy Hinkle and she’s a professor quoted in the in the article in the market bulletin, and she is an entomology, a professor in the Entomology Department at the University of Georgia, Georgia. Trillions of periodic cicadas are set to emerge from the Georgia Soil this month actually, actually it should have occurred about predominantly about two weeks ago. Now there are annual circadence cicadas is we will briefly touch on in just a few minutes, and there are periodic cicadas in Georgia, that is the this current emergency is being called the Great Southern brood. As brood 19, Georgia is only 13 years cicada is the largest periodical cicada brood in North America, covering at least a dozen states in the southeast. These are since they only occur on a 13 year cycle they’re considered periodical insects are periodic insects. And these have black bodies. Their eyes are red and they have an orange tint in their wings which are translucent. They’re harmless. They don’t bite they don’t stain. They’re not poisonous, and other than very small young trees that are harmless to plants. Ironically, I find it ironic or unique periodical cicadas are unique to the eastern United States. Annual cicadas are pretty common throughout the US. And yes, we do have annual cicadas here in Georgia as well. But like I mentioned earlier, the brood was expected to emerge mid May, which was about two weeks ago. I personally have not seen any. We are in Pickens County, which actually is classified as North Central Georgia, so we may not even see any here this year. For those that don’t know much about the lifecycle, the periodical cicada brood emerging this month began their life in 2011. When the female later eggs, the female cicada will typically lay a range of two to 400 eggs in tiny holes that they make in branches of trees and then shrubs and they’ll kind of they’ll deposit those eggs under under the bark. And about six to 10 weeks. The egg after the eggs have been laid. They’ll hatch in the young juvenile is our nymphs will they’ll fall to the ground, burrow underground and attach to tree roots because that’s where they will acquire their nutrition. So the current emerging brood has been underground for almost 13 years. Researchers do know that the adult lifespan of the emerging cicada is actually measured in weeks, and they will most likely nearly all be dead. By the beginning or middle of June. In an effort to avoid predators, then then the nymphs actually emerge from the ground at night, and they will climb the tree trunks the skin along their backs, has a split. And that split is what allows the adult to emerge. And the byproduct of this is the exoskeleton which is pretty common for people to find. But they if you see if you happen to be under a tree that had a cicada of population of females that deposit is their eggs. They’re 13 years ago, you will think there stout hundreds of 1000s of cicadas as the their exoskeletons are laying everywhere. The newly emerged adults will spread their wings out, you know, and allow them to dry and after they’re able to fly. After they dry, their wings are able to fly. By Daylight, most of the adults will have flown up into the treetops. And as they begin to warm up by the rising of the sun, the males will begin to sing their I guess their mating cadence or whatever to attract the females after after mating the female deposits or eggs at the end of the tree branches under the the flexible bark. As you recall, I said a few minutes ago she’ll bore a tiny hole in the bark. And after that the adult cicada dies. After a month or so the after the adults have died, the the eggs will hatch from under the tree bark and again fall to the ground burrow into the soul. Find a tree root and begin sucking the SAP waiting another 12 plus years to emerge. Starting the sock cycle all over again. Periodic cicadas are not considered pest as we said earlier. So normally there’s there’s little to no need to control them. Most will be dead in just a few weeks anyway. As always, here at fates pest control, we offer a free consultation, as well as 100% make you happy Money Back Guarantee few higher fates pest control to get rid of your bug problem at the end of the 30 days, you’re not 100% Happy, we’ll come back and retreat your home for free. And we’ll keep on trading it for free until you tell us that you are happy. If that still doesn’t make you happy, we’ll give you back every penny you spent on the original treatment. Plus we’ll pay you an additional $25 for your time in trouble just for fooling with it. Bottom line is I want you to be happy with the service that we provide, or you won’t pay a penny period. If you feel like what I’ve said make sense please call fate pest control today is 770-823-9202 and asked to speak to me Fred Talley. I’ll be more than happy to speak with you and answer any questions that you may have.

Well, Fred, that’s great information. Hey, if you’re in the north Georgia mountains in Jasper, Blue Ridge, Ellijay, Georgia, or anywhere in the north Georgia mountains and you have problems with bugs, just listen to this podcast over and over again and share it with your friends, so you’ll know what to do. And then of course, if you’re like me, and you just don’t want to deal with it, call Fred. Fred will take care of you and make sure you get the problem solved. We do this podcast as a community service for all the fine folks in Jasper, Georgia, Blue Ridge, Georgia, Ellijay, Georgia, and anywhere in the north Georgia mountains. You can get this podcast from our website, or you can get it from any of the fun podcast services like Apple, Google podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon. Even if you just ask your Alexa Hey, play the faith pest control podcast latest episode, it will start playing and you can listen right there on your speaker devices. So until next time, this is Mike Stewart for the Faith Pest Control podcast.

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Cicadas Came To The North Georgia Mountains, and Everywhere in 2024
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